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"A playful, heartfelt investigation" — Time


"Charming, wry, a compelling portrait of internalized homophobia and liberation" — NPR


"A must-see" — Entertainment Weekly







Catch the acclaimed documentary DO I SOUND GAY? streaming on Amazon Prime and AMC+or you can rent or purchase it on iTunes, Amazon Instant Video, YouTube and Google Play.
Outside the U.S., DO I SOUND GAY? is available for rent and purchase worldwide on Vimeo, except in the following countries: 
  • Canada: Available on iTunes, Sony PlayStation, Google Play & YouTube
  • United Kingdom: Available on Amazon
  • Ireland: Available on Google Play
  • Austria, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland: Available on iTunes

  • Hong Kong: Available on Google Play


About the film: Is there such a thing as a "gay voice"? Why do some people "sound gay" but not others? Why is the "gay voice" a trigger for bullying, even violence? DO I SOUND GAY? explores these questions and more and includes revealing interviews with Margaret Cho, Tim Gunn, Don Lemon, Dan Savage, David Sedaris and George TakeiIFC Films website.
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